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We Study, The Zoom for Kids

Finalist at the 'UMO Design Challenge, UX India 2020'
Duration of Project: 1 Week
Team: Soumil Panwar, Arushi Choudhary, Abdul Ahad
My Role: Project Lead, Research, UX Design

We Study is an online classroom. It is specially tailored to fit in the lifestyle of primary school children who are finding the transition from physical classrooms to online classrooms difficult. 

Context: 'Life in Lockdown', what if the lockdown continues for over a year. 
Chosen problem space: Education for 8-12-year-old children


The Scenario
Manu, like many others kids of her age, is an 8 year old child who has had her routine destroyed by a problem she’s completely oblivious about the gravity of. To her it is an extended vacation where she’s cut off from her friends and where her teacher comes online everyday to deliver a class from the screen.

Running out of toys to play with and confined to the space of her house with no social contact with her peer group she’s desperately looking for a break away from this.

How might we design a digital educational platform that caters to the formal and informal learning needs of
8- 12-year-old primary school children while being
accessible, adaptable and inclusive for the various social groups.  

Why Now?
More than 1.6 billion students have had their education disrupted across the world and only a very small percentage of this number have had access to short term digital solutions. It is imperative that solutions that reduce this divide and are accessible on a larger scale be implemented at the earliest to honour the fundamental right to education.


We Study! has to ensure attention and incentivize children for classroom performance and participation. The tool needs to provide personalized information to make content relatable and simple for children and parents.

UMO Presentation (3).png

Problem Statement

  1. How might we get Manu to attend classes online happily?

  2. How might we ensure that Manu is paying attention in class?

  3. How might we make learning relatable to Manu?




Project Pitch Video

'We Study' is an online classroom platform. It tries to recreate the physical and leverage the power of digital learning platforms. It introduces a virtual companion named doggie, which is owned by a set of children. Good behaviours, attention etc in class fetch 'goodies' for the doggie. These rewards can be fed the next day ensuring attendance. 


Meet Doggie

Doggie would be a character capable of expressing emotions to the child. These would be based on behaviour, mood, time of the day and conduct in class. 

User Flow: Student

Screenshot 2021-02-16 23.19.46.png
Screenshot 2021-02-16 23.19.46.png

User Flow: Teacher



1. Masti Time

After onboarding the class, the children get 10 min with their friends. This time can be used to talk and feed their digital friend- the dog with the goodies received the previous day. This ensures attendance on time. 



2. Morning Routine​
The day begins with a prayer to keep the familiarity with the physical classrooms.

4. Multiple Themes​
The class colour or backgrounds could be changed to engage the children. This leverages the power of the digital.


5. In-class questions
The teacher pushes in-class questions. This is done to gauge the attention of the child. Answering correctly fetches the child goodies for the doggie. These could be fed to the doggie the next day.


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