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I'm a Multi-Disciplinary designer who

learns through Exploration


Industrial Design


I started my journey into design as an industrial designer with an aim to disrupt the world with innovations that solve wicked problems and create impact. 


Consumer Electronics | Viral Product  
Nature-Inspired Ceiling Fans



Healthcare Device | D'Scope
Asthma Pump for Children

Designed fans inspired by nature for the leading electronics manufacturer in India. This series has been a best seller since 2018. Click here for the product website.

Working with Cipla, I designed an asthma pump sleeve to educate children and elderly towards correct usage postures and steps. This device was mass manufactured and sold across India.


Patent Granted | Funded Project
Frugal Washing Machine


Presented to then Vice President of India, Mr. Venkaiyah Naidu, this $50 automatic washing machine reduces the stress of manual washing at places with water scarcity.  

Social Innovation

As a part of my undergrad thesis, I immersed in the lives of people living in excluded communities in India with an aim to identify wicked problems, educate and mitigate threats to these grassroots communities.
I worked closely with the National Innovation Foundation, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIM-A) and Grassroots Innovation Augmentation Networks (GIAN) all under the mentorship of Prof. Anil Gupta, a prolific social changemaker.

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User Research | Co-Creation 
Ethnography with Construction Laborers


Product Design | Fabrication
Extended Mobility for the Wheelchair Bound


I spent 4 months around construction laborers from rural communities in India to immerse into their struggles and designed frugal assistive devices to help women with manual material handling and learn about ergonomic material handling.

Working closely with people facing exclusion due to mobility, I designed an electric wheelchair-accessible vehicle for under $800. This concept was fabricated, tested and licensed to Freedom Wheels India. 


During the COVID-19 pandemic, I founded and scaled a strategy-led design consultancy. We grew to a team of 10 designers and worked with global clients. 

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Venture Design | Team Building 
Design Consultancy Services


A design consultancy focussed on strategic innovation providing services in product design, industrial design, branding and marketing strategies.

Service Design

Disruption in processes and operations of a business can not happen without disruption in systems. 

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Disruptive Innovation | Vend-X 
Disposable Vending Machine Business


Working for a startup in California, I designed a direct-to-consumer vending machine business that leverages $30 disposable vending machine to disrupt the capital-intensive vending machine industry.

Disruptive Innovation | Farmbox 
Urban Farming Made Accessible


A delocalized fresh produce business that enables people in urban India to grow their own produce as a community and create a sense of ownership within the climate change crisis.


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Cumulus Green 2022 | Aalto University 
Social Media for Global Design Challenge


Digital Marketing | Trring Me, Dubai 
Brand Building for CRM Services


Working with Prof. Marianna Amatullo, I launched a social media campaign for Cumulus Green 2022, a global design challenge by Aalto University aimed at creating a buzz among designers from the top design schools.

Working with Trring Me, Dubai, I built their brand communication strategies, social media presence and launched ad campaigns on Instagram, Facebook and Google.

Model Making

I have a love for exploring materials and crafting physical representations of my thoughts. I have utilized this passion in hobby projects can often be found in a workshop carving wood.


Prototyping | Product Design 
Affordable Tractor Mockup


Wood Carving | Material Exploration 


Created a foam, aluminium and plastic mockup of an agricultural product for one of my initial Industrial design courses in India

I enjoy carving soft wood using paper cutters and create forms, artifacts and products.

Stop Motion Animation

Simulating Farming Experience 


An agricultural experience of farming using a product I designed for small enterprise farmers in India.

Paper Animation 


A story on how changing paradigms of the world bring out perseverance to change, adapt and survive.

Thank you for visiting my website

I'm currently looking for full-time roles and am ready for an adventure!
Reach out to me at

Soumil Panwar 2022. All Rights Reserved

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